Monday 14 October 2024


Booking is now open for this year's Turkey Trot.  This is an individual, non-counting stableford competition to be played over Rosemount (morning draw only), with an entry fee of £2 per player.  Prizes will be awarded to the winner and runner-up in each of Division 1 and Divisions 2&3 combined.

The prize-winning vouchers will be presented at the Ladies Christmas lunch on Friday, 6th December.


As detailed in the communication from the Club issued on 11 October the Ladies Winter Competitions will commence shortly.  The Winter Eclectic and Winter Ringer, played over Rosemount and Lansdowne respectively, will run from 1 November 2024 until 31 March 2025. 

The first round of the Winter League (which is played over both courses) will be on Rosemount on Friday 1 November; the first round of the Stanley Clark Trophy (played on Lansdowne on weeks in line with course closures) will take place on 8 November.   

We would encourage all ladies to enter and play in our weekly winter competitions. They are fun and are a great way to meet up with old friends, make new friendships, and a good opportunity for ladies to socialise following their game. 

The key points to note are as follows:

  • Competitions will continue to be played over 12 holes (1-12 on Rosemount, 1,2, 9-18 on Lansdowne), adopting the same stableford format that was introduced in 2022 following the changes to the World Handicap System.
  • They will be set up as 18-hole competitions and any hole not included in the competition, or is closed, should be given a gross score that results in a nett par (2 points).
  • The bible sheets will be reviewed and copies placed on the notice board in the ladies’ locker room.  The Winter Ringer folder will be available in the locker room from 1 November.
  • It is anticipated that, as in previous years, the majority of games will be played on the shortened course and that an adjustment to playing handicap is therefore appropriate.  Playing handicaps will be calculated as 75% Course Handicap; all winter competitions are non-counting for handicap purposes.
  • Competition times will be mornings only, commencing at 9.30am on Friday for the main competition, with an alternate day the prior Saturday.  Please note, if you wish to play in the alternate day outwith the allotted times,  the process is to book a tee time in advance and contact the office to assign the time as a competition time.
  • There will be a weekly prize (a golf ball) presented to the winners of both Division 1 and Division 2&3 combined.
  • Additional cards may be submitted for the Eclectic at any time as long as they are signed by another playing partner; the Pro Shop must be advised prior to play so that a competition for that day can be set up (to enable your scores to be input).
  • The only competition needing your manual input will be the Winter Ringer (should you wish to enter it). Ringer cards on competition days should be placed in the box at the PSI terminal; additional cards should be placed in the box in the Locker Room following play. 

The Wee Course Ladies Winter League will also commence on Friday 1 November, together with their Winter Ringer.  The office will complete a draw on the preceding Wednesday and any ladies wishing to turn up and play on the day should register at the Pro Shop by 9:45 and they will be fitted in to the existing draw.

Please remember .....


........ fairway mats will come into use on all courses from Friday 1 November, and must be used on the fairway and the first cut of rough. 

Sunday 13 October 2024


We welcomed the ladies from Anstruther for our first Winter League match of the season on a very pleasant October day.  The course was in excellent condition and our visitors were treated to nature at its best, with a variety of birds, several deer, squirrels, and a hare joining us to enjoy the glorious autumn colours.  

On paper the matches were all very close and that proved to be the case, with two matches finishing on the 17th and the third halved on the 18th.  Ultimately the home players were able to take advantage of their local knowledge and the match was won by Blairgowrie 2.5 to 0.5.  Our visitors thoroughly enjoyed their day, which was rounded off with a very friendly post match chat over soup and sandwiches.  My thanks go to the Blairgowrie ladies - Gill Tissell, Angela Rooney, Elaine Robson (team captain), Margaret Johnstone, Shirley Lewis and Fiona Edwards.

Well done ladies !!

Thanks to Elaine for the match report and photo.


The Ladies Annual Meeting took place on Friday, 11th October at the slightly later time of 6.30pm in the clubhouse attended by 25 Full members and 4 Wee Course ladies; 35 apologies were received.  Ladies Captain, Elaine Robson, welcomed everyone to the meeting.  After the Minutes of the 2023 meeting were approved, there being no matters arising, the various reports were read - Competition Report by Elaine Robson, Friendly Match Report by Heather Dawson, Handicap League Match Reports by Maggie Marshall on behalf of Anne Farquharson and Wee Course Ladies Report by Elaine Robson on behalf of Heather Welsh.

Elaine then read her Ladies Captain Report which summarised the main events of the year.  She then gave her thanks to the office staff, pro-shop staff, bar and catering team, starters, greenkeeping staff, past captains, the ladies committee and the lady members of the Club.  Elaine then handed over to Maggie Marshall, the incoming Captain and presented her with the Lady Captain's badge.  Maggie congratulated Elaine on her successful year as Ladies Captain and presented her with a bouquet of flowers by way of thanks from the Club and the ladies section.


Maggie stated her pleasure that Heather Dawson was appointed as her Vice Captain. She thanked Morna Bell and Marion Kay for standing, and being elected, to the ladies committee whilst Pauline Hill will serve for one more year.  The Wee course ladies will continue to be represented by Heather Welsh. 

After the business of the meeting was concluded the prize giving took place.  Full details of all the winners can be found in the ladies locker room.

Vouchers not presented at the prize giving are now available at the pro shop.  

Dates for the Diary 

18th October – Pinehurst

25th October - Turkey Trot

1st November – Winter Eclectic & Winter Ringer starts

1st  November - Winter League commences

6th December - Christmas lunch

Saturday 12 October 2024


I am still trying to understand how the last 12 months can have passed so quickly and that my year as Ladies Captain is now over.  Together we have enjoyed so may fun events and memorable moments, all of which I will remember with a smile.

For those of you that played in the Captain's Farewell Texas Scramble yesterday, I hope that you enjoyed your game despite the periodic downpours - I was pleased that the sun did appear albeit quite late in the day.  Thank you and well done to my playing partners Liz Fertacz, Aileen Hamilton and Fanny Christie for bringing in the winning score of 59 and to Claire Bidwell, Sheila Bruce, Jane Cameron and Linda Rice who came second with 61.

The winner of the Wee Course stableford competition was Jean Laburn (18 points) with Jeannie Webster the runner-up (17 on c/back from Muriel McPherson).

I would like to thank you for the beautiful flowers I received at last night's Ladies Annual Meeting, and for your kindness and support during my year.  I am very proud to have had the privilege of serving as Captain of such a wonderful Ladies section – it has been an honour and an absolute pleasure.

I would also record my thanks to my Ladies Committee for their support during the past 12 months, and also for their fundraising activities.  We have raised a total of £2,815 for Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance and I am most grateful to all members that have supported this worthwhile charity.

It is now time for me to pass over to Maggie, our 58th Ladies Captain, and I wish her, her Vice Captain Heather, and Committee members Pauline, Marion and Morna all the best for the 2024-25 season.  I know that you will join me in wishing them all a very successful year.

Monday 7 October 2024


The summer season is almost finished and, as we look forward to our autumn and winter activities, I am pleased to announce the results from our end of season competitions for 2024 as follows:

The qualifiers for the Ladies Scottish Medal Finals for the best 3 nett scores over the 11 medal competitions are Lorraine MacGregor, Lesley McPherson and Di Barbour, who will be invited to compete in a finals competition in 2025.

The winner of the Ladies Medal Winners competition was Gill Tissell.

Spring & Autumn Meeting Aggregate:

Honeyman Salver (Division 1) Winner – Mary Miller (138); Runner-up Fiona Johnston (145).

Glass Quaich (Division 2&3) Winner – Carolyn Haddow (154); Runner-up Elaine Robson (158).

The Summer Eclectic was won by Sue Waddell with a score of 63 (on c/b from Mary Miller).

The winner of the Summer Ringer for the Hilda Hendry Memorial Trophy was Mary Miller with a nett score of 62.

The Birdie Tree was won by Susan Arbuckle with 18 birdies. Susan will receive the Robin Trophy; the Division 2/3 winner with the most recent birdie was Fiona Edwards, who receives the Pheasant Trophy.

The Par Bar Trophy (for players with a handicap index of 20.5 and above at the end of the season) was won by Sheila Bruce with 28 gross pars.

The Knockout competition results were as follows:

Coronation Trophy: Winner – Lesley McPherson; Runner-up – Cara Davidson.

Jessie Valentine Trophy: Winner – Kathy Cameron; Runner-up – Judith Carmichael. 

Gellatly Rosebowls: WinnersBronwen Godley & Jillian Milne; Runners-up – Morna Bell & Lesley McPherson.

Lyle Trophy (Mixed): Winners – Pauline Hill & Paul Anderson; Runners-up – Cassy Grant & Craig Grant. 

Wee Course

The Wee Course Medal winner for the best three scores was Jean Laburn.

The prize for the Wee Course Single Best Nett Score was won by Jean Laburn.

The Wee Course Eclectic was won by Morag Johnston.

Many congratulations to all the winners - well done. 

Friday 4 October 2024


Our fun competitions were played on a lovely autumnal day on Lansdowne and the Wee Course.  As always there was much comment on "who had what" in their bag and clearly some had chosen better than others!!

Gill Tissell was the winner on Lansdowne with an impressive nett 71, with Linda Rice second (73); on the Wee Course Morag Johnston was the winner with 17 points and Ann Malloch the Runner-up (14 points on c/b).