Friday, 7 March 2025

MAD MARCH MEDLEY - Friday, 7th March

Twenty Nine Ladies played on full greens on Lansdowne in a fun 16 hole competition in teams of two or three.  It was a beautiful Spring morning.  Given the cold, strong winds earlier in the week, today's conditions were lovely.

The winning team were Maureen Brass, Cara Davidson and Sandra Kinloch scoring 138.

Runners up were Angela Rooney, Margaret Johnstone and Freda Erskine scoring 141.

Golf balls will be left in the Ladies locker room for the winning team.

Congratulations to the winners and runner-ups.

Monday, 3 March 2025

SENIOR GENTS v LADIES - Thursday, 3rd April ** Players Wanted **

Please see below information on the Senior Gents v Ladies competition.  A sign-up sheet has been posted on the noticeboard in the Ladies Locker room.

Come on Ladies - we can do it this year so please sign up !! 

Senior Gents v Ladies


Trophy – The Columbine Cup


Thursday, 3rd April – 11.45am for 1pm

(Rosemount & Lansdowne)



This is an exciting opportunity to play against the Senior Men in the annual competition

to win The Columbine Cup.


Twenty ladies are required for this competition,

which is played over Rosemount and Lansdowne in a 4BBB format.


The cost is £22.50 per person, with a sandwich lunch before play

and a two course meal afterwards.


A draw will be made if more than 20 names are entered,

with the remaining names put on a reserve list.