DATES**** NO Bridge on 29th January or 5th February due to the refurbishment of the club ***** Burns Supper on Friday, 25th January. Tickets £20.00 from the catering staff.****The Valentine Dance scheduled for Saturday 16th February has had to be changed, due to the refurbishments. There will now be a Motown Night on Saturday 9th March.
Levies are payable in respect of the ladies’ contribution towards the running costs of our medals/various competitions and the engraving of the ladies’ trophies. This is the only income generated by the Ladies Section to the Club in this connection and we would respectfully ask as many ladies as possible to contribute. The contributions are currently:
Rosemount/Lansdowne Associate Members £3.00
Wee Course Members £2.00.
Levy slips are in the Ladies Locker Room along with envelopes. Once completed please post in the wooden box in the Locker Room. Thanks!
Margaret Kerr Competitions Secretary
The Mail on Sunday Classic competition begins this month and Blairgowrie has once again entered. Our first match will be in February. A team of five players will be required for each match and any member of the club can play. The playing handicap is restricted to 24, but those with a handicap above this are eligible, as long as they play off 24 in the competition. Full difference between competing players’ handicaps will be taken as the basis of play.
More details to follow, but if you need any more information now please let me know.
Katy Chapman Match Secretary