Monday, 25 August 2014


Ladies Section Annual Meeting
& Presentation Prizegiving

Friday 10th October 2014 at 6.00pm
To be held in the lounge of  The Blairgowrie Golf Club

At that meeting the election of Captain, Vice Captain, and committee members for 2014-2015 will take place in accordance with the Blairgowrie Ladies’ Management Agreement November. 2010

The following members are retiring from office

    Margaret Hunter     Lady Captain
    Margaret Kerr         Competitions Secretary
    Meriel Walker         Secretary
    Hazel Grant             Committee
    Fiona Barron           Committee

Nominations should be made in writing or by completing a nomination slip, which can be found in the  Locker Room, by the closing date of 14th September 2014 with the name of the Proposer and Seconder.  Slips should be left in The Office, marked  for the attention of the Lady Captain.

Members may also put forward by 14th September 2014, any Motion or Proposal relevant to the Ladies' Section of the Club which they wish to put to the Annual Meeting.
Any Motions or Proposals must be made in writing and proposed and seconded.

Nominations and any Motions/Proposals will be published by the 22nd of September 2014.

Margaret Hunter
Lady Captain
25th August 2014