Thursday, 15 March 2018
1) Fixture Lists are now available and so please collect them from the Pro Shop
2) The Wee Course Coffee Morning is on Monday 19th March at 10.30 in the small Bar Lounge. Cost £1.75 for coffee and shortbread. All Wee Course Ladies welcome.
Come along and receive information from Shirley about forthcoming events on the Wee Course this season, together with information about handicaps.
3) Please book for The Get Together on Friday 23rd March with the Catering staff. Cost £12.50.
4) Opening Day on Friday 30th March is a 1pm shotgun start. Please meet beforehand at 12pm in the small Bar Lounge and thereafter outside for a photograph. There will be a 1 course meal after play in the dining room when the 'Friendship Bowl' will be presented to the winning team. A 'Sign Up Sheet' for the meal will be displayed in the Ladies Locker room.
5) Booking for Invitation Day on 1st May is now online. Cost £15 per couple. When you select your tee off time that is the time you will play. Closing date is Tuesday 17th April. Catering, including specials for the day will be available.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the above events.
Janice Lang
Ladies Captain