Wednesday, 24 May 2023


Twenty one ladies played in the Wee Course Texas Scramble today in warm, sunny conditions. The Ladies Committee was somewhat depleted due to prior commitments, however it was great to see some ladies who do not often play in the regular wee course competitions and of course the wee course regulars!

Everyone appeared to enjoy their day, there was some good golf and a lot of fun. The winners (I am embarrassed to say) was myself, Jean Laburn and Kay Thomson with a score of 27. Runners up with a score of 28 were Linda Clark, Morag Johnston, Maureen Reid and Heather Welsh. 

After our game the ladies enjoyed an informal lunch in the dining room which rounded off a very sociable day. Thanks to the green keeping staff who presented a fantastic course, the greens were superb - certainly proved no obstacle, as the winning team single putted the majority of the greens! Thanks also to Sean in the office for organising and inputting all of the score cards and to Greg and his team for keeping us fed and watered.