Saturday, 29 July 2023


What a fantastic away day to Ladybank golf club..........

A good start, the coach had arrived at the club on time, however the driver didn't seem very impressed he had to load some 20 sets of golf clubs and caddy cars into his boot! When the boot was full, we then had to help load a number of bags and trollies onto the back seat. That done, we were off on our day out. The fun didn't stop there, as we then enjoyed a magical mystery tour of Fife as the bus driver was following his Satnav which seemed to have been set up to take in all the rural roads and it soon became clear he had never been to Ladybank! However, we all arrived safely and on time. 

We settled in and enjoyed coffee and bacon rolls and some chat in the lounge before our game. 

The weather forecast did not look very promising with intermittent rain threatening most of the day but despite some light rain at the start and for some groups at the end, most of us got round pretty dry. The heathland course presented many challenges, with plenty of rough, heather and bunkers. 

The 12th hole, a par 3 - 155 yards, however, posed no challenge at all for Pauline Hill who had a hole in one. How many Stableford points was that Pauline??!! Many Congratulations.

After our game we enjoyed a two course meal and (several) drinks before prizes were presented by Heather Dawson and Sue Waddell.

The prize winners were:

Nearest the Pin: Div 1 - Eileen McMurray; Div 2 - Denise Ginley.

Longest Drive: Div 1 - Heather Anderson; Div 2 - Sheila Bruce.

Best Stableford Score and Winner of the plate Div 1 - Erica Espley with 37 points. 

Runner-up Div 1 - Gillian Wallace with 34 points. 

Best Stableford Score and Winner of the Gad Aboot Trophy Div 2 - Pauline Hill with 36 points. 

Runner-up Div 2 - Morna Bell with 33 points. 

Best Team Score - Erica Espley, Maggie Marshall and Lorraine MacGregor with 77 points.

Runners-up - Sue Waddell, Linda Rice and Susan Wyllie with 74 points on count back. 

Thanks go to Heather for again masterminding the outing which was a great success on all counts and to Elaine Robson for putting all the teams together, doing the handicaps and scoring. Lastly, to all of you who participated with such enthusiasm.

The return coach journey to Blairgowrie was uneventful with a much more direct route on the main road, which was helped by having a different driver and a larger coach. 

While we were at Ladybank, a party of Ladybank ladies were playing Rosemount. By all accounts, they too had a great day and were appreciative of the welcome and service they received. 

Here are a few photos from the day (please click on the images to enlarge).