Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Newsletter May 2021


Ladies Captain’s Newsletter – May 2021

Hopefully, you are now all enjoying your golf, albeit in very cool conditions given the time of year. 

Sadly, we have said our goodbyes to Dawn Tinker and Iain McKenzie and wished them well in their new ventures.  I am sure you all know that Stuart Wilson, our Managing Secretary is at present in the US as Captain of the Walker Cup.

Now that we are actually operating the WHS, our handicaps should be slowly returning to a more realistic playing level. 

The first round of our Championships on 30th April was well attended with 47 ladies entering.    The Wee Course ladies’ first medal that day had 16 ladies entering – Ann Malloch being the winner with 21 points.

The Columbine Cup (Senior Gents v Ladies) is to be played on Tuesday, 25th May and the team has been informed.  There will be a 2 course meal after play when it is hoped everyone can be accommodated in the dining room.    The dress code has been dispensed with on this occasion.

I have chosen the squad for the Annodata (the old Mail on Sunday) and the first match against Panmure at home is scheduled for 16th May.

Further changes have been made to the online fixtures as follows: 

The Gellatly Rosebowls competition has been postponed until later in the season if Covid 19 restrictions have been lifted regarding playing with partners.

Saturday, 22nd May is now the Spring Meeting.

Wednesday 26th May is the Wee Course Ladies v Ladies Shotgun Scramble & Lunch (provided the dining room can accommodate everyone) –this is eligible to all ladies to enter.

On 28th May, Coronation Foursomes have been postponed until later in the season (again if Covid 19 restrictions permit) and the Karrinyup Spoon competition inserted instead.

13th June is the alternate day for the Pat Robins Trophy; The 18th of June is the actual competition day for this.

Due to Covid 19, the dates for the friendly matches have caused quite a bit of confusion – Jacqui Landsburgh, our Match Secretary is in the process of confirming the various matches and I will let everyone have firm details as soon as possible.

New rules are in place in the Clubhouse in regarding the current Covid19 restrictions and I would ask that everyone adhere to the requirement to wear masks whilst in the Clubhouse until seated and to ensure their track and trace details are registered each time they enter.   Masks require to be worn at all times when in the bag store.

I hope to see you all shortly and wish you all a good summer golfing season.

Margaret Kerr, Ladies Captain