Saturday, 22 May 2021

Update 22nd May



The winner of the first round for the Allison Trophy held on Wednesday 19th May was Ann Henry. 

On Thursday 20th May the Ladybank Ladies had their  outing to Blairgowrie – this was the return outing when Blairgowrie played at  Ladybank in 2019.  I welcomed the 33 ladies  who came and tee’d off at 1.30 p.m.  and they  say they really enjoyed their day at Blairgowrie albeit in very wet conditions.

The match against Crail Ladies  on Rosemount has been organised for Monday 24th May. 

We have the Columbine Cup on Tuesday 25th May.  The ladies won the Cup in 2019 and as  last year’s match was not played, it would be good for the ladies  to retain the trophy this year.    

The times for the  Wee Course Ladies Scramble on Wednesday 26th May will be drawn by the office and be posted online on Monday  24th May in the afternoon.    There is no lunch after play -  ladies  should just order their own  food if they wish.  There will be a short prizegiving once the results have been given.

From Jacqui, our Match Secretary:

P&K Handicap League Blairgowrie Ladies v Crieff ladies Mon 17th May

The first handicap league match of the season took place at Crieff Golf Club yesterday with the first match starting at 5.30pm. It had been a very wet day but fortunately the clouds cleared to give way to a pleasant dry evening. The Blairgowrie ladies team members were Sheila Bruce, Noreen Fordyce, Jacqui Landsburgh, Gill Tissell and Jo Stewart. Some of the matches were very close but Blairgowrie Ladies won the overall match by 3 games to 2. Well done and thank you to all the team members, a great start to the handicap league season.

The next match takes place on Rosemount against King James on Monday 21st June at 6.15pm.   Some ladies may be playing in the Tri-Am that day but if you are available, please sign up on the notice board in the locker room if you would like to enter.  Ladies with high as well as low handicaps are very welcome to play.

Some views you might like –

A beautiful patch of bluebells just left of the 14th green on Rosemount.

                    and daffodils beside the loch

Margaret Kerr, Ladies Captain