Wednesday 16 October 2024


You should have received an email advising that the Ladies Christmas Lunch this year will be held on Friday 6th December at 12.00 for 12.30pm in the dining room.
  As well as the usual Festive fare there will be a Christmas Quiz, Music and the opportunity to win some prizes.   

At 3pm there will be a special Finale with Guest Entertainment !

Please come along and enjoy a delicious meal with friendly company, in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.  Further information is detailed below, with bookings now being taken behind the bar.

The Ladies Committee have again decided to put together a Christmas food hamper which will be raffled for my chosen charity, Alzheimer Scotland.  Heather, Pauline, Morna, Marion and myself would be delighted, and very appreciative, to accept any food items that you are able to contribute.  These can be given to any member of the Ladies Committee or handed in at the bar for my attention.

The hamper, once complete, will be displayed in the clubhouse - tickets, costing £1 each, are on sale at the bar.  You can also buy raffles tickets from any of the Ladies Committee.