Friday, 9 December 2011

Ladies' Christmas Lunch 2011

The Christmas Lunch  followed a night of high winds, storms and power cuts which  threatened to disrupt proceedings. Although there was considerable damage to both courses,  our power to the clubhouse was, thankfully, still operating, and the Lady Captain welcomed 56  members, some of who had made  considerable efforts to get to the Lunch following  disruption on the roads due to fallen trees.

Everyone enjoyed  a very convivial afternoon with  teasing Christmas quizzes, an  excellent lunch and a surprise  turn by a  mystery  fairy artiste who bore a  remarkable resemblance to Captain Jean Laburn.   Proceedings were rounded off by the Committee's  spirited rendition of  a golfing version of Jingle Bells, with  all ladies joining in.

The  Perth and Kinross branch of Macmillan Cancer Support  will receive a donation from the ladies who were invited to contribute to the charity in lieu of exchanging  presents.  

Dates for the Diary
Ladies Afternoon Bridge:  There will be no bridge on Tuesday 27th December.  Back to normal on January 3rd.
Charles Dernie's Pre-Season Lessons:  Are you looking forward to golf in 2012? The sign-up  sheets  have gone up for Charles's  very popular  series of  pre-season lessons which begin on 20th February. There are several dates each week.