Friday, 14 June 2013


The Lady Captain's Day will take place on Friday June 28th. The format this year will be Greensomes  ( both drive off, choose the best drive, then alternate shots) with a  shotgun start at 10.00am on Rosemount.  The sign up sheet is now in the Locker Room with an additional  sign up  list for those who would like  to join in for a  light meal afterwards.  If you  do not wish to have the meal, you are, of course,  welcome to join the  other ladies in the dining room for  the prize-giving and  a chat.
Lady Captain's Day is open to Lansdowne Associate Members  and it would be  a pleasure to welcome new members to the event.
May I also take this opportunity to advise you all that my chosen charity this year is Help for Heroes.
Vike Brown, Lady Captain