Saturday, 12 October 2013


Margaret Hunter presented Vike with a lovely bouquet
The  Ladies' Annual Meeting  and Prize Giving  took place on Friday 11th October at 6.00pm in the clubhouse.  Sixty four ladies attended. Lady Captain Vike Brown gave her report and handed over to the incoming Captain Margaret Hunter, who introduced the Vice Captain, Elizabeth Davie.  Elected on to the ladies committee were  Moira Stewart, Nanette Pearson and Linda Rice.  Thanks were accorded to  those leaving the committee - Gillian Wallace and Katy Chapman.
Earlier in the day the sun came out for Vike's Farewell Chinese Greensomes, which proved a mixture of fun and torture for some players. The winners  with 76  were Liz Fertacz and Judith Clowe. After the Prize Giving  ladies enjoyed a meal in the dining room. A list of all the prize winners has been placed in the Locker Room.

Chinese/Danish torture here we come!

October 15 Ladies Afternoon Bridge re-starts 12.30-2.30pm.
October 18  Turkey Trot Rosemount.  £2.00 entry fee.
October 25  Winter League begins  and 1st round of the Stanley Clark Competition, Lansdowne.
November 15 Annual Prize Giving in the clubhouse 8.00pm Meals available from 6.00pm
December 5  Annual General Meeting of Blairgowrie Golf Club 7.00pm in the clubhouse.
December 6  Ladies Christmas Lunch.  Details to follow.