Friday 11 December 2015


Captain Kathy Cameron welcomed everyone to the lunch

Christmas lunch today was a very happy occasion at Blairgowrie Golf Club. Ladies gathered in the lounge for a pre lunch drink and it was a chance to catch up as many had not been to the club for a while. We were then called into the dining room where lunch was served. We were entertained with quizzes, songs and mystery prize winners. The Turkey Trot prizes were also awarded. An excellent £340.00 was raised for MacMillan. Just look at the photos to get a feeling for the lovely day.

The Committee entertains the ladies



An interesting version of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'.

Apologies that the film ended abruptly before the whole rendition had finished.

Fun handmade prizes
The Committee entertains.
Catherine Court, winner of the Mystery Prize
Elizabeth Currie, winner of the other Mystery Prize
Brave gents!