Wednesday, 22 August 2018


Senior Ladies Invitation Day
Tuesday 28thAugust

Good afternoon ladies. We wish to update you about the activites for this day, which has been organised in conjunction with the office staff.

The format is Greensomeswith pairs playing to a joint handicap. This will be printed on the card and any changes to handicap will be updated on the day.  All the details of the event will be on the board and Mary Miller and myself will be at the desk when you sign in.  Please check your tee off time as it is about to go on Master Scoreboard.

There will be 3 Prizes and those will be SGU vouchers.  There are also prizes for the Longest drive for Silver and Bronze and Nearest the Pin for both groups.  There will be a Prize Giving on the night around 5.30pm.

The kitchen will be open from 9.00am, before going out to play and there will be a number of Specials on the menu for a meal after your game.

There is still one slot at 10.50 am available for 2 pairs to enter, but entries can only be received up to 4.00pm on Friday 24thAug.

We hope you have a wonderful day with your guest and we look forward to seeing you on the day.


Fiona Johnston/Mary Miller
Competition Co-ordinators