Friday 31 January 2020

Ladies Winter League and news

We really were fortunate we had golf today given the snow on Wednesday past.   Unexpectedly, we were again on full greens.

The winners today were

Division 1 Janice Lang - Net 52
Division 2 Meriel Walker - Net 50.
Wee Course Winner - Ella Allan


The entry sheet for names for Senior Gents v Ladies (Columbine Cup) is posted on the notice board in the upstairs ladies locker room.   Please add your names if you can - 20 ladies are required for this match.   The cost is £20 pp to include a light lunch before and a 2 course meal after play.

The next Monday social meetings starting at 10 a.m. are:-

1.   Indoor bowling on 10th February.
2.   A Knit & Natter morning on 24th February
3.   Pilates courtesy of Mary Hope on 9th March

Please all come if you can.

Margaret Kerr
Lady Captain