Wednesday 11 May 2022

Awayday to Crail - Payment & Menu

The Awayday to Crail on 23rd June is fast approaching and we would like to collect all monies as soon as possible.  You are requested kindly to hand a cheque for £40 (made payable to Blairgowrie Golf Club) to the bar staff indicating it is for the Ladies Awayday.  Payment by card will be accepted but please ensure your name is ticked off the list kept behind the bar.

In addition, you will see Heather has put a notice up in the Locker Room of the list of those members signed up already with details of the meal - please indicate your choice from the menu.

Please note:

- there are still places available for the trip, but please sign up as soon as possible  

- payment is required no later than 20th May.

We look forward to you joining us on what promises to be a great day out!