Tuesday 20 March 2012
Your CDH number is your unique ID number from the Central Database of Handicaps. You have to have one from this year for all counting competitions, including P&KLCGA meetings, Vets, Opens, etc. You can obtain your number from the office. Here's an example of what it looks like.
Once you receive your own CDH ID Number you can register it at: www.slga.co.uk/cdh/member . You will then be able to login to the CDH and find out what your exact handicap is and print off a handicap certificate if required.
The idea behind the CDH is that when you play in a counting competition away from home, you will no longer have to report your Away Score, this will be done automatically and your Handicap updated.
The SLGA has produced a Guidance Pack about the CDH system. Just log on to the SLGA website and look for the link CDH in the left hand column.