Thursday 1 March 2012


Our annual round of friendly club matches begins on April 23rd with an away game against Forfar.  Confirmation of this, and the other matches to be played, can be found on a sheet which has been placed on the notice board at the top of the stairs, opposite the ladies’ changing room.

Please note that the match against King James Vl, which is in the fixture list as July 30th, has been changed to July 23rd

We would encourage as many ladies as possible to sign up to play in these matches as they are great fun and a good way of getting to know people. 

The game against Strathmore is on a Tuesday, but all others are scheduled for a Monday.  Four Bronze and four Silver players, plus reserves, will be required for each match, except those against Dunbracken and Glenisla, when only three from each category, plus reserves, will be required.

So ladies, check your diaries and if you are available on any of the dates, please sign your name on the sheet!

Thank you.

Katy Chapman. Match Secretary