Tuesday, 28 April 2020

6th week of lockdown

It is with sadness that I have to intimate the passing away last week of Joy Niven and more recently, Sheila Brodie.  Both these ladies were long standing members of the Blairgowrie Golf Club and  our thoughts are with their families at this difficult time.

Now that we are into the sixth week of lockdown, our thoughts are turning to when some of the restrictions we are facing are lifted which might include allowing us access to our courses for golf rather than just a walk - although how many times have we said it was a good walk spoilt!   Little did we think we would have such a long time away from our favourite game but  I hope it won't be too much longer before we can at least wave to each other  as we pass on the other fairway!

I  read that Covid19 has increased in the Tayside area and I know  you are all keeping as safe as you can. 

Margaret Kerr
Lady Captain