Saturday, 18 March 2023


Forty two ladies came together last night to look forward to the coming season. We enjoyed a delicious meal prepared and served by Tina and her team, whilst Greg and his team kept us watered! There was a lot of chat and laughter with some new members introduced to our Ladies section. 

After dinner, I ran through the main competitions and other events coming up in the 2023 season. It then gave me great pleasure to introduce Elaine Slide of Green Lamb for our fashion show. Founded in 1989 Green Lamb pioneered ladies golf fashion at a time when no one else was catering for female fashion on the course. Still to this day the brand creates exclusive collections that can be worn when playing and relaxing.

Elaine gave a very informative talk on the background of the family run business which is based in Southern Ireland. It was interesting to hear how all their clothing is made from organic cotton and how they use recycled plastic bottles in their products. With the help of our three models, Lynne Bell, Jacqui Landsburgh and Mary Miller, Elaine then provided detailed descriptions of the outfits they were wearing and their price points.

Neil Cameron, our Club Professional has very generously offered a 20% discount on not only Green Lamb clothing but all ladies clothing to everyone who attended last night. This is for a limited period only, until Sunday 26 March on presentation of your 'pink discount voucher'. So get buying ladies!

Earlier in the day we enjoyed a Texas Scramble played in very pleasant, mild conditions. The scores were very close and the results were:

Winners: Jacqui Landsburgh, Mary Miller, Gill Tissell and Meriel Walker with a score of 63.  

Runners-up: Moira Campsie, Katie Chapman, Marion Kay and Sue Waddell with a score of 64.

On the Wee Course, Jeannie Webster won the 3 Club and Putter competition with 23 points and Kathleen Coupar was the runner-up with 20 points.

Here are a selection of photos from the evening.........please click on the images to enlarge.