Saturday, 31 August 2013

Ladies Annual Meeting and Election of Committee Members 2013

The Annual Meeting and Prize Giving of the Blairgowrie Ladies’ Section will take place in the lounge of Blairgowrie Golf Club at 6:00 pm on Friday October 11th 2013. At that meeting, the election of Captain, Vice Captain and committee members will take place. In accordance with the Blairgowrie Ladies’ Management Agreement November 2010:

2.2 Nominations of candidates for the offices of Lady Captain, Lady Vice-Captain and members of the Ladies Section Committee must be intimated in writing to the Club’s Managing Secretary not later than the 15th September in each year. Any candidate for such office or membership must be proposed and seconded by Members who are entitled to vote at an Annual or Special Meeting. A Notice listing any candidate proposed by the Members will be posted on the Notice Boards.

Nomination forms are available next to this notice in the Ladies' Locker Room.  Nominations will be published by the 22nd September 2013.

Lady Captain