Saturday, 17 August 2013

RESULTS : 16/08/2013

SLGA Medal 11 and Hoad Super  Senior (70+)
Rosemount CSS 76
Congratulations to Emily Aird  who signed off  her summer golf at Blairgowrie by winning the Medal with a great 71  - 5 shots below the CSS.  Emily  leaves  today (Saturday 17th August) for  Newman  College in Kansas, USA, to begin her 4-year degree course.  Emily has promised to keep in touch and we  look forward to hearing how  she is progressing.
Division  1
71   Emily AIRD (5)  lowest gross
75   Susan ARBUCKLE (4)
76   Cathie IRVING (12)
Division 2
72  Katy CHAPMAN (24)
78  Jane CAMERON (36)
80  Maureen CHALMERS (36)
*A reminder !  Next week's Autumn Meeting is on  SATURDAY 24TH *